I'm starting to become obsessed with it. But I never experienced hair loss before this drug so I dont want to to be dependent on hair drugs. Just read your post again and the "estrogen dominance" line caught my eye. .sqs-comment-link{ Started Alaya Naturals collagen also which may too be contributing to better skin. Available for Android and iOS devices. But it hopefully will be shorter for you because Im on minoxidil, which causes a dread shed for a few months. For about a week, I've been shedding a lot of hair on my head. Within just a few weeks I was noticing less dark hairs on my face and jawline; the fine, white-ish hair under my jaw all but disappeared (so, I guess from that standpoint, Spironolactone for hair loss DOES work, ha!). She didn't increase my Spirno but recommended that I stay on it. So relieved. This blood work showed no deficiencies but she suggested I take Viviscal Pro vitamins (expensive) and prescribed a topical prescription that's a combo of Finasteride 0.1% and Minoxidil 7% (it gave me some new baby hairs, but also turned my blonde hair an orange hue). Ive been on spironolactone for six months. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I'm anemic and have other issues. Thank you for looking that up. I looked at the ingredients for Fall Fight, and it's just another Laureth Sulfate based shampoo. I keep holding my hair in a ponytail to try to measure whether it feels thinner. The message that is relayed is that the hairs no longer need to wait 2-2 months in that line. Then this past week after washing my hair and straightening it for the first time in a while, I noticed I have lost so much around the back and crown and I also have this weird cowlick due to lack of hair and volume. Spionolactone is good for testosterone-driven excessive hair production, particularly polycystic ovarian syndrome; however, it isn't the best treatment for shedding. Book Large Box Braids $140.00. amlodipine, lisinopril, metoprolol, losartan, furosemide, carvedilol, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, Lasix, chlorthalidone. My hair is thinner at the crown and I find hair serums gross and my hair generally greasier even if I wash every other day. Common interactions include fall among females and cardiac failure congestive among males. In rare cases, shedding does not slow at the 3-4 month mark and hair density does not improve. Also I am surprised she put you on 50mg straight away. I've been on it for 4 months and I don't feel like I have a consistent pattern of hair loss. Keep checking back and share your story. Your healthcare provider will likely check your potassium regularly while taking spironolactone to make sure it's not too high. May 13-June 2. That was it. What is being shed is hairs that were destined to come out anyways: Instead of coming out tomorrow, a hair comes out today, Instead of coming out in 2 weeks, a hair comes out in tomorrow, Instead of coming out in 4 weeks, a hair comes out in 1 week, Instead of coming out in 6 weeks, a hair comes out in 2 weeks. It is also used to treat swelling . This time I made an appt with the dermatologist (not her PA) because the hair loss was so drastic at this point and I wanted a second opinion. Did your hair grow back? Aldactone) about four months ago. I think thats worth repeating: Any treatment for androgenetic alopecia that works has the potential to cause a dread shed. It's not something that is really all that abnormal - it just looks abnormal. Initial dose: 25 mg orally once a day assuming serum potassium is less than or equal to 5 mEq/L and serum creatinine is less than or equal to 2.5 mg/dL BasicallyIm just like you. known to cause hair loss so I have been so confused about what could be causing it, but from the beginning I have strongly suspected the Spiro. I wasnt always this careful. Also, has the amount of shedding changed at all as time went on, or has it been consistent? I think that my body just needed some time to adjust to shift in hormonal activity. It was really disheartening to see everyone saying it took years so hopefully this will help someone. Finasteride is probably the last treatment I will ever take, as it pales compare to Spironolactone. It's constantly running in the background of my mind throughout my day. Everyone has always said ''You have so much hair, it's so thick'' I can feel the difference, i feel it when i grab my hair in a ponytail, when i put it in a bun I would say that I definately lose 100 hairs a day..when I wash it. cephalexin oral will increase the level or effect of spironolactone-hydrochlorothiazide oral by acidic drugs competing for the same pathway through the kidney. Despite my normal lab results, my derm thought spiro would be a good fit for me because I have cystic acne localized on my chin/jaw and she suspected my androgen receptors could be overly sensitive to even a normal amount of testosterone. For the record I have probably the most regular menstrual cycle there is. Im now 2 months post Spiro and my shedding is finally reducing!! I'd sincerely appreciate any thoughts/advice! I had 50 percent more hair then I do now, and I know it is from this pill. And did the hair grow back as normal pre meds??? It worked wonders I absolutely LOVED it, cleared my acne, reduced my body hair, I no longer had oily skin. Im devastated. Like most people on it, I've had docs continually telling me it can't cause hair loss, along with a few docs who have said it can. There are hair supplements out there; most have biotin, which break me out like crazy, but I'm trying one from Swanson with Insitol, PABA, and horsetail to help. Arghh. Im scared Im going through the same thing. Last updated on Mar 7, 2022. Duration of therapy: Treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks to achieve a maximum response. I've been reading for a long time but this is my first post. (Scalp health is vital as well for anyone reading who had scalp issues prior to Rx) After stopping it, my scalp longer feels tender & the shedding is less. i heard some girls say Biotin helped with the growth . After about 3 months of continued hair loss, I now started finding large clumps in the shower and had overall thinning. The downside: I thought it was just me, but it does seem as though my hair is thinning right around my forehead. It was prescribed for my persistent cystic hormal acne -- something I've dealt with since my teens but mostly in my adult life. Hydrochlorothiazide 25 to 200 mg-Spironolactone 25 to 200 mg orally daily in 1 to 2 divided doses. By the way--I use Suave clarifying and dandruff shampoo because I've always had greasy hair. I suppose that's only half of the daily 100, but I'm assuming I'm also losing a lot during the day with my hair down. After reading this thread and knowing that hair loss is listed as a possible side-effect, Ive stopped taking it today. Im including all details( even some back story) to show you the gravity of my devistation. Also, I had stuff that pointed to issues with it like my pony tail was significantly smaller, my . Tell your doctor. Get your testosterone levels checked. This is called a drug induced telogen effluvium and can look similar to a dread shed and is challenging to differentiate from a simple dread shed phenomenon. For those who experienced hair loss/shedding on spironolactone / Aldactone, did you push through the shedding phase and find that it eventually stopped? The most notable functions of Spironolactone as a hair loss treatment is that it works as an antiandrogen by decreasing the production of testosterone by the adrenal glands and by preventing DHT from binding to its androgenic receptor. I suffer from hormonal cystic acne on chin that has left dark spots and I wanted to get a handle on it. Clinical Drug Interactions Source: Medscape from WebMD. Although we attempt to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee is made to that effect. I will look into the brands you've recommended. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I don't know if it has to do with The medication because I was shedding before. The most likely scenario for patients who have shedding is that the shedding will eventfully stop and some amount of stabilization or improvement of the androgenetic alopecia will be seen. Subscribe to Drugs.com newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. I even started doing a LED red light therapy at home this week for about 20 minutes a day. I enjoy looking feminine; femininity is the future. No one can answer this question as its different for everyone with a new treatment. And have you noticed thinning of your hair, or do you think you are making new hair that's rapidly replacing the shedding hair? I have always been the same size and weight my entire adult life, now I cannot fit into any of my clothes, I feel bloated all the time, and my stomach looks like I am pregnant. Its crazy. } Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; Please help!!! go to Amazon and put it "thinning hair", it'll have the same ingredients--biotin, horse chestnut, etc.). 2 months of major daily hair loss. Treatment of edematous conditions in patients with liver cirrhosis accompanied by edema and/or ascites. Its like a slow torture. All rights reserved. I've been on 25 mg/day for a week and I'm still shedding. Comments: Initial dose: 50 to 100 mg orally per day in single or divided doses I never connected the 2 and to say I am truly devastated is an understatement. Now that I look back my hair was slowly thinning but I realized too late. I have easily lost well over 1/2 of the hair on my head. Classic Storage Shed. Hopefully, recovery is possible. is this just a dread shed and should i wait it out? Like most ppl, it worked great at treating my cystic acne, unfortunately I was not aware of the side effects. Although, in rare cases it triggers telogen effluvium hair loss and it never stops . Ozflygirl I know how you feel, it is just awful. WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health. I have been taking Finasteride (Propecia) for a little over a year for hair re-growth, I've tried minoxidil and another European hair regrowth serum but find the upkeep to be too taxing and I really don't want to walk around with greasy or crispy looking hair every day. } This type of hair loss is also called male pattern balding and female pattern hair loss. (Im not saying to wash the hair weekly - Im just say these are the individuals who can appreciate differences the easiest). It burned, stung & felt raw. The doctor told me that could be related to perhaps not enough sodium in my diet. My skin is FINALLY starting to clear, and I really don't want to stop taking spiro just as it's beginning to work. I did get the dread shed a few weeks into Spiroand I got it BAD. I literally got it a week after it ended. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. under my jaw, but he dismissed those. Maintenance dose: Contraindicated in patients with anuria, acute renal insufficiency, or significant impairment of renal excretory function. I'm 51 years old so I blamed it on hormonal changes. the so called telogen phase). P.S. This is such a frustrating situation to be in, particularly when I'm seeing such great results in my skin. The higher dose worked and my skin looked great, no oil, and pores size decreased. Bizz, thanks so much. Listed below are the top 10 most common side effects of spironolactone and how to manage them. TUMORIGENICITY: This drug has been shown to be a tumorigen in chronic toxicity studies of rats. When I initially asked my doctor about the hair loss, she said this medication should help with hair loss and suggested we test my thyroid and it was dismissed. Each month the past Ive vaguely remember a certain event or time I did my hair and noticed it was getting thinner and thinner. Hope it stops soon for you x, Hi, Im going through major hair loss after 6 years of Spironolactone. I would highly suggest getting off the medication. I've seen and heard of Shea mositure and of course burt's bee's. But, he did decide to put me on 50 mg. of Spiro 2x/day to see if it would at least improve the hirsutism (excess hair). My acne is mild to moderate, but evidently, very persistent. About spironolactone. I thought it was a post Covid issue. This is particularly true for those who experience a true drug induced prolonged telogen effluvium from use of these treatments. I recommend buying a biotin-based thickening/strenghthening shampoo from Whole Foods or online at a site like iherb.com. I do have other signs of . HOME RESEARCH BIO - DR. DONOVAN DAILY BLOG CONTACT US, 4370 Lorimer Road, Suite 334B Whistler, BC, Canada (604) 283-1887, COPYRIGHT 2008-2023, DR. JEFFREY DONOVAN, INC. Spironolactone is also used to lessen the need for hospitalization for heart failure. Did your hair stop shedding?! It's a long post but it does help me to get it out. line-height: 1.2em; Just wanted to provide an update because I was so close to stopping spiro altogether when the shedding started and I'm happy I didn't. I've been on the OTC for 9 years without stopping (I'm 26) and even though I don't think it has played much of a role in reducing my cystic acne, I'm honestly too scared of what might happen to my skin without it to stop taking it! With medical big data and AI algorithms, eHealthMe is running millions of phase IV trials and makes the results available to the public. cephalexin oral brand names and other generic formulations include: Biocef Oral, Cefanex Oral, C-Lexin Oral, ED A-Ceph Oral, Entaceph Oral, Keflet Oral, Keflex Oral, Panixine DisperDose Oral, Zartan Oral. I have never suffered with any type of hair loss and Im not taking any other medication that could be causing this. Subscribe to Drugs.com newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. If your shedding increased it is having an effect. generic drugs) are not considered. It feels so thin and you can see my scalp through the hairs. Good luck to you &/or whomever this may help:). Not long after taking the extensions out I ended up getting pregnant back to back with my 2 children. It's starting to make me really nervous. I still have my period but it was now coming twice a month (one light, one heavy) and I was getting cramps which I have not had in years. In a matter of roughly 2 years my head went from being thin and short with bald spots to 6 inches longer, thicker and the most beautiful it has ever been. At my annual physical with my PC doctor I mentioned the hair loss and she tested my thyroid function and all was normal. Did you notice that your hair started coming out a lot more than usual (in the shower, in your hands when you touched your hair, etc.) I was panicking & researched hair loss over & over. How bad will it be? Applies to the following strengths: 25 mg; 100 mg; 50 mg; 25 mg/5 mL. I've been on this drug for about two weeks (I'm on 50mg) now going onto week three. 25 to 100 mg orally per day. IF YOU DONT WANT TO RISK LOSING YOUR HAIR DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION. I wont have any hair left. I will never ever touch that pill ever again. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. The dose of this drug should remain unchanged if a second diuretic is added. Im early in taking them (about 8 days) but I think they are helping. We have designed this storage shed to be eye-catching yet not overly dramatic in its appearance so it can comfortably fit into any neighborhood in Austin, Texas. The "Dread Shed" - Does it just apply to Rogaine. Anyway so I came across this thread because I was frantically searching the internet to see if Spiro had done this to anyone else and as soon as I found this I stopped it straight away! It's comforting to know that other folks understand my dilemma. Detailed Spironolactone dosage information. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She doubts it was triggered by the Aldactone because telogen effluvium usually starts 2-3 months after the trigger, and my shedding started only a month after I started Aldactone. Minoxidil in liquid form is very safe, but not always effective. Uses:-Treatment of patients with hypokalemia when other measures are considered inappropriate or inadequate.-Prophylaxis of hypokalemia in patients taking digitalis when other measures are considered inadequate or inappropriate. Since Spironolactone is also a diuretic you do loose extra electrolytes since you go to the bathroom more frequently. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Also, I was prescribed iron supplements because blood tests showed that Spiro depleted my iron, which I think is a possible reason for hair loss? Don't use the typical drugstore "strengthening" shampoos--in my experience (and admittedly I have weird hair--coarse, thick, oily at roots, dry at ends), it just weighed hair down and didn't really help because the "strengthening" ingredients were at the bottom of the list. You are using an out of date browser. Our analysis results are available to researchers, health care professionals, patients (testimonials), and software developers (open API). I do get an annoying little pimple ("regular-people acne") every now and again, but they heal so quickly (1-2 days) compared to the cystic acne I would get before (weeks + scarring). Apparently that is normal, some parts of the year your hair sheds more and some it sheds less. Fast forward about 4 months and I notice thinning spots on my temples. But my derm seemed to think 50mg was already a pretty low dose and appropriate for my size. Also, I began FLO vitamins for my acne. They slap a new name onto the same product. This is my story below and it mirrors everyone else here. My cousin shared a really good App (iphone) called Think Dirty Xhop Clean and has helped me in picking clean products that don't have chemicals in the ingredients so I know for sure its not.my bair products. My scalp started feeling irritated right away. For the long test, correction of hypokalemia and hypertension provides presumptive evidence of primary hyperaldosteronism. Results of our real-world drug study have been referenced on 600+ medical publications, including The Lancet, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, and Nature. I dont know yet if it will continue to remain moderately clear, but Id rather have my hair. Ive been off it for two months now and my hair is still falling. Reading this and finding this has been a small token of hope! Hi everyone, Im posting because this thread was the only thing that made me feel sane when I was losing my hair, and I was DESPERATE for someone to update so heres my story - I hope it helps someone! I'd love to stay on this low dose! So maybe normal baseline testosterone levels + spiro + BC --> heightened estrogen --> hair shedding? Here is the caveat: you are also on OTC which is already supposed to change your hormone levels in the direction that would clear your acne. I hope that helps. No portion of this page may be duplicated without consent. Spironolactone is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. The most notable functions of Spironolactone as a hair loss treatment is that it works as an antiandrogen by decreasing the production of testosterone by the adrenal glands and by preventing DHT from binding to its androgenic receptor. Scalp pain has diminished at least 90%. 3) Acne is something most women deal with every now and again.Needless to say, I was frustrated. I started taking 50 mg/day of spiro about 1.5 months ago. My guess is that the hair that fell out during the Spiro dread shed came back. Just be wary of the ingredients in any shampoo, I was lucky enough that the CVS had no sunflower oil or anything, but a lot of these stupid organic shampoos do, even for stuff that's meant to add body. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The link is on the bottom right of every page. .fak-back { display: none;} The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of eHealthMe.com's terms of service and privacy policy. If you can get off sulfates, that's great, but sulfates and my usual shampoos never gave me trouble till this drug. display: block !important; Book Cornrows Varies. Recommended starting dosage is 5 mg daily in . In this case the shedding does not stop at month 3 -4. It did a lot of damage to my natural hair to say the least. I started iron also and saw a huge difference in amount of shedding. It is NOT just you, but you might be able to head this off nutritionally. I hope this gives you hope! I was diagnosed with scarring alopecia from it all and I havent got my hair back but at least the shedding got better. I don't know if I've lost as much as others on this thread but I'm going to try stopping my dosage now, to prevent it from worsening. Ive been to so many doctors and they have not been helpful so far. The change in hormones can abruptly switch your hair from the static phase to the new hair phase. Not all patients notice increased shedding after they start a treatment - especially patients who wash their hair daily. All down the drain:(((. I initially thought that is was because of stress due to the pandemic. About 8 years ago, for 2 years straight I tried every different type of extension there is out there. And for how long did you shed? I'm hoping it goes away cause I can't go back to having that terrible cystic acne :/ I read that spironolactone when used for female hair loss does cause initial "dread shed" but that should stop at 3-4 months and then you see regrowth/stabilization. I second the other poster's recommendation for biotin. However, I adjusted some. Common interactions include fall among females and cardiac failure congestive among males. One more day & I think it will be 100%. I've been on 150mg for the past three months and I believe that's what made it worse (before then I hadn't really noticed any hair thinning). When I showered it was the worst, I could no longer brush my hair and after about a month I could see my scalp :( it was horrible, Ive never experienced anxiety like this before. Personally I wouldn't recommend grabbing the first sulfate-free shampoo you see on the shelf, thoughbig companies are jumping onto the sulfate-free bandwagon but are usually just putting in other non-sulfate detergents that are just as harsh. Dosage of drugs is not considered in the study. I am 42 and have had acne on and off since the age of 13. Please check with a physician if you have health questions or concerns. User account menu. 25 to 200 mg orally per day in single or divided doses Definitely try a lower dose. I now have less than 50% of the hair that I had before starting on Spironolactone. I literally put no heat on my hair and have styled it with mouse and a diffuser on cool for years. Hormone replacement pills, such as Prempro, plus spironolactone are better after menopause. I'm 25, so maybe it would have happened that way anyway, but I just don't think it was age alone. 1/2. We are more than our hair :). Book 5.0 10 reviews Locdnwitdee 9.2 mi 2022 E Slaughter Lane, Austin, 78747 Loc Retwist (Med - Large) This service comes with a wash. $40.00. I got put on Spiro (a.k.a. Hormones are a slow and tricky process. Thankfully, reducing my dose hasn't caused me to break out at all and my skin is still almost completely clear. Its possible that it would have ended ages ago if I hadnt started minox! Socatastic 1 yr. ago. These medicines are sometimes called "water tablets" because they make you pee more. I'm just very nervous stopping may cause even more hair loss. I have had handfuls falling out (especially after washing my hair) since October 2nd. Spironolactone can cause this phenomenon sometimes and so can minoxidil. In this style, we have wider overhangs on the gables and eaves and have provided . It works similar in form and function to Yaz birth control, so if you are sensitive to hormonal changes then it can be a problem. Whenever a patient bring in a product and tells me they have a new wonderful product that does not cause a dread shed - I tell them simply that if the product they have in their hand has a zero percent chance of causing increased shedding then it probably does not help in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Im so upset Definitely wont cant believe he gave me this knowing my condition. Is it physically possible to become pregnant while taking Spironolactone? Of course, each of these situations should be reviewed with the hair specialist on a case by case basis. And as far as the acne, I have remained on topical tretinoin and yes my skin is not perfect now but its not near as bad as it was before. These drug companies need to put warning labels on this prescription to protect us from these hidden side effects (before we take them.). Minoxidil, spironolactone, PRP, laser, finasteride, dutasteride, flutamide, bicalutamide - they all carry with them the potential to cause a dread shed. Im 23 was prescribed Spiro 12 months ago for my hormonal acne. You can search for certain shampoos by condition to (e.g. After about 3-4 weeks it cleared it up my skin completely and I was completely clear for 4 months, then my skin started to break out again but not as bad as before. It was not visible in the scalp. The amount of time I spend obsessing over my hair loss is crazy. I normally have really thick hair that grows quickly but I've noticed in the past month that it's gotten very thin, I'm shedding more frequently and I can tell that my scalp is more obvious. Take a multivitamin, too. And then about 7-8 months in my hair started falling out dramatically. After 3 months and no change, the PA increased me to 50mg/2 a day and said "this drug is safe, you can't take too much." Spironolactone and how to manage them press question mark to learn the rest of the hair back! After reading this thread and knowing that hair loss pattern balding and female hair... 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