I was there, they were not - they can only know it from God - those guys are right, and from now I am a mormon.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp MAINhttp://countrypage.lds.orgENGLISHhttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engTHE BOOK OF MORMONhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng LANGUAGEShttp://countrypage.lds.org/cpMORE - SELECT COUNTRYhttps://www.lds.org/countries?lang=eng&cp=eng-smaSELECT A LANGUAGE - MORE LANGUAGEShttps://www.lds.org/countries?lang=eng&cp=eng-smahttps://www.lds.org/languages?lang=eng&langs=eng&cp=eng-smaENGLISH AND MOREhttp://countrypage.lds.org/cp?lang=engENGLISH - CANADAhttp://canada.lds.org/BOOK OF MORMONhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=engMORMON ORGhttp://www.mormon.org ;- SCROLL DOWN FOR:*****ENGLISHGERMANFRENCHSPANISHPORTUGESERUSSIANARABICSWEDISHNORWEGIANDANISHPORTUGALSDARBEDA-VOLAPXELSAND SO ON ************************* GERMAN: Mein Name ist Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Willkommen auf meiner Homepage!Ich bin schwedisch, bin ich in Gteborg an der Westkstevon Schweden Jahr 1958 geboren.Aber ich lebe in Dnemark - Ich zog von Schweden nachDnemark Jahr 1987.Ich habe auch ein halbes Jahr in Marokko, ein und einhalbes Jahr in Spanien gelebt, ein halbes Jahr inPortugal, ein Jahr in Norwegen, einen Monat in Algerien,einen Monat in Italien und so weiter.Und ich habe auch eine internationale Vagabunden seiteinigen Jahren - per Anhalter von Stadt zu Stadt, vonLand zu Land - ich habe in 66 Lnder und mehr alszweitausend Stdte und Drfer gewesen.Wenn Sie nach unten scrollen knnen Sie meinen Lebenslauf- fr einen Job zu finden - geschrieben Jahre 2012, alsich in Portugal gelebt, zuerst in portugiesisch - dann inEnglisch - plus eine Menge lincs zu meinen anderenWebsites -eine Liste, wo ich gewesen sein - und eine GeschichteBuch ber mein Leben in schwedisch.Wenn Sie clic ber Dienstleistungen haben Sie meineGeschichte Buch in Englisch - clic auf BER UNS undfinden Sie eine vollstndige Liste der wo ich gewesen bin- und clic auf Kontakt und finden Sie meine Adresse.Frieden und Schrecken im Jahr 2015:Einst lebte ich in einem Tal der Trnen genannt Dnemark.Der Winter war so kalt, dass man sofort erfroren, wenn man die Tr zur Strae geffnet, und der Sommer war so nass, dass sogar eine Krake nicht knnte eine halbe Sekunde in einer dnischen Wald ohne zu ertrinken berleben.Alkoholische Der Furz zwischen den Wnden der Huser wider, erbrach tollwtigen Hunden hysterisch auf den Brgersteigen und der Gestank von Millionen von Schweinefarmen haben, dass nicht einmal die Fliegen nicht atmen konnte.Und wie kam ich dorthin?Warum habe ich dort bleiben?Es hngt natrlich davon ab, dass Schweden tausendmal schlimmer war!Und jetzt - wenn ich mde von Skandinavien - so hat Portugal ein langbrtigen Einwanderer aus Nord Ice Hlle gelitten.Portugal ist tausendmal besser.Portugal hat viele Ort Urwlder, Seen mit viel Fisch, Wlder und Natur mit Strche, Schwalben und Spechte - Dinge, die vor einem halben Jahrhundert in Skandinavien ausstarben.Das Wetter ist wie in Kalifornien, und das Essen ist so billig, dass es fast kostenlos - auch wenn es schmeckt wirklich gut.Natur und Lebensmittelpreise ist, dass - so-so etwa - wie in Schweden vor 50 Jahren - vor der Forstindustrie und der groe bse Inflations-Troll kam und zerstrte alles.Ich beie mir stecken hier in Portugal - arme Portugal hat einen langbrtigen Einwanderer erlitt die armen Land nie los mit wieder zu bekommen! Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 7, 8. I got REAL scared - am I sick - has something happened to my brain - or is it a ghost? Find out how to make a Jungle Jeep in South Africa; In the UK see if some hilarious headband ears can be made in under a minute; and in Brazil a Mini Maker helps create a fabulous feathered-friend. - , 8 - , , . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 5*****, The Drawing Book for Kids: 365 Daily Things to Draw, by Woo! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . ;this.style.color = '#666666'}" onfocus="ifthis.value=='? Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting lots of friends all around the world. And see what's cooking in a Hong Kong street market as Mister Maker jets off to the Far East. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more. Mister Maker makes slot aeroplanes in under a minute, transforms tin foil and tissue into a funny fridge magnet and shows how to print a perfect picture with a polystyrene plate. Mister Maker tells the kids what they will do, which will give him an idea of what to do next. And - in fact - I do not look like Father Christmas with my long, white beard. Tre r senare finner jag exakt samma stlle - i Mormons bok! KLICK ON LINC AND SCROLL AROUNDhttps://www.google.pt/maps/@41.801787,-6.765025,3a,75y,184h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sMebXiUc7jhO-IItKgvIUyA!2e0 IF IT DOES NOT WORK TAPE THIS IN TO YOUR BROWSERhttps://www.google.pt/maps/@41.801787,-6.765025,3a,75y,184h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sMebXiUc7jhO-IItKgvIUyA!2e0 Avenida Sa Carneiro 244, at the 16:th floor - on top of the highest building - on top of the highest mountain - in Braganka, the highest place in Portugal - this is not heaven, this is HIGHER that heaven - WOW - i can see half of Spain - i feel like Neil Armstrong - if this is not paradise on earth, nothing is! WOW - that's exactly the type I had straight outside my window when i lived in Santiago - the Small Red Hat Woodpecker, rather common around Santiago. Je tais l, ils taientpas - ils ne peuvent connatre de Dieu - ces gars sont droite, et partir de maintenant je suis un mormon.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp MAINhttp://countrypage.lds.orgANGLAIShttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engLE LIVRE DE MORMONhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng ************************* SPANISH: Mi nombre es Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Bienvenidos a mi pgina!Soy sueco, he nacido en Gotemburgo, en la costa oeste deSuecia ao 1958.Pero yo vivo en Dinamarca - Me mud de Suecia a Dinamarcaao 1987.Tambin he vivido medio ao en Marruecos, un ao y medioen Espaa, la mitad de un ao en Portugal, un ao enNoruega, un mes en Argelia, un mes en Italia y assucesivamente.Y tambin he sido un vagabundo internacional desde hacealgunos aos - He estado en 66 pases y pueblos de ms dedos mil y pueblos - autostop de ciudad en ciudad, de pasa pas.Si se desplaza hacia abajo se puede ver mi cv - paraencontrar un trabajo - ao 2012 escrita cuando viva enPortugal, por primera vez en portugus - entonces enIngls - junto con una gran cantidad de lincs a missitios web -una lista de donde he estado - y un libro de historiasobre mi vida en sueco.Si pulsa sobre servicios que ha mi libro de historia enIngls - clic en ACERCA DE EE.UU. Mister Maker Around the World is a spin-off of the children's television Mister Maker commissioned by Michael Carrington at the BBC for CBeebies. Mister Maker Around the World Episode 3. YA skazal, chto mogu skazat', vse ateisty - i religiy - etochto oni ne pravy. Pero todava tena toda mi inteligencia y todorecuerdos de mi vida - toda mi vida era como una pelcula en mi visin interior, que tena un montn de tiempo -esos 8 minutos en el otro lado era como mnimo de 12 horas - todo lo que poda hacer era ver mirecuerdos, piensan, se dan cuenta Despus, me hubiera gustado poder decirle al mundo lo que estaba all - peronadie me creera de todos modos, sera intil llamar por telfono a CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times yLa Voz de Amrica y Thell - que slo se rean. Trs anos mais tarde, eu encontrar exatamente no mesmo lugar - no Livro de Mrmon! In the UK, discover how to make an incredible igloo with a secret surprise, and in the Far East a Mini Maker helps create an eye-catching ribbon picture in the middle of Hong Kong! ;- Ano 2012 eu estava morto oito minutos - at que uma enfermeira, Ftima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, salvou a minhavida. Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 8, 9. style="width:172px;height:115px"//a/div/divpa href="/case/47.html"?/a/p/lilidiv class="img_p"diva href="/case/46.html" title="?img src="/webeditor/upload/case/20180321045140.jpg" alt="? Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more! Etter at jeg dde i ambulansen hjerte dd, ingen EKG, ingen EEG, gjorde ikke pust,midlertidig hjernedd 8 min Jeg vknet opp p et annet sted. Mister Maker: Around the World - Trafalgar Square Series 1, Episode 15 - Full Episode Subscribe to Mister Maker: https://www.youtube.com/user/MisterMaker?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mistermakerofficial Mister Maker's Fun Makes! - ! Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 10. In the UK, we find out if he can make a cheeky apple surprise in under a minute; the Mini Makers build a super crocodile swamp in South America; and in South Africa, look out for a sensational silhouette inspired by a graceful giraffe. Chernyy, tikhiy, mirnyy, krasivyy -Samaya krasivaya chernyy tsvet ya videl - ne bylo nichego, krome menya, ili moyu dushu - ya byl, kakastronavt bez tela vo Vselennoy, bez kakikh-libo zvezd. PUUUUUUUUUUUUUH - I was not mad, it was NOT a ghost - it was just a small innocent hungry woodpecker eating his night-food! Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting Mini Makers all around the world. Travelling to all four corners of the globe from Sydney to Hong Kong, Cape Town to Rio and right across the UK, Mister Maker will visit children to learn . [2] Three spin-offs followed: Mister Maker Around the World, Mister Maker's Arty Party, and Mister . onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/li/ul/div/divdiv class="clear"/div/div/divdiv class="index_middle_bg"div class="index_middle"div class="index_video fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_video_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"?/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con"p?/pa href="/about/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/divdiv class="index_news fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_news_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con"ula href="https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html?vid=o0615oebr76&tiny=0&auto=0"li1/li/aa href="https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html?vid=j0615cl3qbc&tiny=0&auto=0"li2/li/aa href="https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html?vid=f06150b9041&tiny=0&auto=0"li3/li/a/ula href="/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/divdiv class="index_video fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_video_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con"ula href="/ac/212.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/211.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/209.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/208.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/207.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/206.html"li?../li/a/ula href="/ac/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/divdiv class="index_cases fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_cases_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_cases_con"br /?br /15061083718br /15061083718br /Q Q?25074858br /?nbsp; 225321br /?nbsp; ww.jslqsj.combr /?nbsp; 19?/diva href="/contact/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/divdiv class="clear"/div/div/divdiv class="clear"/divdiv class="index_customer_bg"div class="index_customer"div class="index_customer_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;"?/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_customer_con"div class="rollBox"div class="Cont c_scroll"div class="ScrCont"div class="pic"a href="/buy/60.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012907.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/59.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012850.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/58.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012833.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/57.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012814.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/56.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012754.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/55.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012726.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/54.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012659.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/53.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012640.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/52.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012622.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/51.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012603.jpg" alt="? Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 1. trn iPhone, iPad, v iPod touch ca bn. Just have a look - this is me OZ1MAN to the right the strongest european on the twenty meter band - to the left you see my secretary . And with a very large home made power amplifier, I will be at least 100 or 1000 times larger, stronger and louder! maxlength="30" //div/divdiv id="udows_ly_btn_bg"input type="submit" id="udows_ly_btn" value="? The child tells Mister Maker what they would like to do or make something out of old things. He collects the essential items from the Doodle drawers and makes them. Mister Maker packs his Marvellous Maker Case and heads-off for another adventure around the world. In South Africa he meets Mini Makers and creates a sensational shark picture, in Australia, we find out if he can make a marble creature in just a minute, and in the UK there's a great way of creating colourful works of art from pieces of fruit. 10. Lars Lennart Fjeldstrm - merry christmas!Gesende Kersfees!Gzuar Krishtlindjet!Frhliche Weihnachten! ! ! !Milad bayramnz mbark!Eguberri on! ! !!sretan boi! ! !Bon Nadal! !maayong Pasko!vesel Vnoce!Khrisimasi yabwino! ! !bon natale!Jwaye Nwel!sretan Boi!Kirstmas piroz be!gldelig jul!vesel Vianoce!vesel boi!Feliz Navidad!felian Kristnaskon!hid jule!Maligayang Pasko!hyv joulua!joyeux Nol!noflike krystdagen!Nollaig Chridheil!Bo Nadal!Nadolig Llawen! ! ! !Merry Kirsimeti!mele kalikimaka! ! !zoo siab christmas!vrolijk kerstfeest!boldog Karcsonyt!ezi ekeresimesi! !Selamat Natal!ariya keresimesi!nollaig shona!Gleileg jl!Buon Natale!Merry Christmas!! merry!Christmas!Priecgus Ziemassvtkus!Linksm Kald!schine Chrschtdag! ! !merry christmas!faly Krismasy!Merry Milied!koa Kirihimete! !Merry Christmas! ! !merry christmas!Merry Christmas! !Wesoych wit!Feliz Natal! !Merry Christmas!Crciun fericit! !fiafia o le Kerisimasi! !nyakaletse noel!fara Christmas! !yuul!merry christmas!gumbira natal!God Jul!! ! ! !mutlu noeller! ! !baxtli Rojdestvo!ging sinh vui v!merry christmas!merry christmas! merry christmas!Gesende Kersfees!Gzuar Krishtlindjet!Frhliche Weihnachten! ! ! !Milad bayramnz mbark!Eguberri on! ! !!sretan boi! ! !Bon Nadal! !maayong Pasko!vesel Vnoce!Khrisimasi yabwino! ! !bon natale!Jwaye Nwel!sretan Boi!Kirstmas piroz be!gldelig jul!vesel Vianoce!vesel boi!Feliz Navidad!felian Kristnaskon!hid jule!Maligayang Pasko!hyv joulua!joyeux Nol!noflike krystdagen!Nollaig Chridheil!Bo Nadal!Nadolig Llawen! ! ! !Merry Kirsimeti!mele kalikimaka! ! !zoo siab christmas!vrolijk kerstfeest!boldog Karcsonyt!ezi ekeresimesi! !Selamat Natal!ariya keresimesi!nollaig shona!Gleileg jl!Buon Natale!Merry Christmas!! merry!Christmas!Priecgus Ziemassvtkus!Linksm Kald!schine Chrschtdag! ! !merry christmas!faly Krismasy!Merry Milied!koa Kirihimete! !Merry Christmas! ! !merry christmas!Merry Christmas! !Wesoych wit!Feliz Natal! !Merry Christmas!Crciun fericit! !fiafia o le Kerisimasi! !nyakaletse noel!fara Christmas! !yuul!merry christmas!gumbira natal!God Jul!! ! ! !mutlu noeller! ! !baxtli Rojdestvo!ging sinh vui v!merry christmas!merry christmas! And if it is not christmas anymore - there is never more than 365 days to the next christmas day. Kids Activi (#393073535193). In Australia, we discover how to make a joke lolly in under a minute, in the UK we find the Mini Makers creating a treasure trove in their school hall, and in South Africa we make a lovely lizard from boring bubble wrap. ;- r 2012 jeg var dde tte minutter - helt til en sykepleier, Fatima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, lagret minliv. Mister Maker, Tocky and Scrappz head off for more creative adventures around the world. Je ai dit que je pouvais dire tous ateists - et de religions - quiils ont tort. I used a Canon mirror reflex camera and a Codachrome 25 ASA film, and the camera had to stand open and collect light four long hours - now a days you can take a photo like this with a digital camera and an exposure time less than one second. Join a globetrotting Mister Maker as he travels the world and meets lots of Mini Makers along the way. Men jag hade nd all min intelligens och allaminnen frn mitt liv - hela mitt liv var som en film p min inre syn, hade jag gott om tid -dessa tta minuter vid den andra sidan var som minst 12 timmar - allt jag kunde gra var att visa minminnen, tnker, inser Efter, jag nskade att jag kunde bertta fr vrlden vad som var borta - meningen skulle tro mig nd, det skulle vara till ngon nytta fr ringa CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times ochThe Voice of America och bertta - de skulle bara skratta. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. (R) 15:30. Activities; brand. Click Customise Cookies to decline these cookies, make more detailed choices, or learn more. (R) 15:05. New Yorkers don't care. And in a forest - the red army will positively think it is a very heavy machine gun, and run all the way back home to Moscow again! Hello! MY LIFE AS A HAM - RADIO AMATEUR - IN A NUTSHELL:SM6FOF - SL6FOF - LA5PMI - OZ1MAN MY LIFE IN PORTUGAL - IN A NUTSHELL: 1 Rua 8, 11, 7565-228 Ermidas do Sado 20120101-20120630 - much too low2 Rua Prior 11, 7800-201 Faro 20150105 - better, close to sea, but too low3 Avenida Santiago 12, 7500-200 Santiago 20150216 - better, but not high enough4 Avenida Manuel 34, 7565-208 Ermidas do Sado 20150516 - well, never moved in 5 Avenida Sa Carneiro 244, 16 dto, 5300-240 Braganka - PARADISE! !!! I could hear that somebody was knocking on my door. YA byl tam, oni bylinet - oni mogut tol'ko znat' yego ot Boga - eti rebyata pravy, i teper' ya mormon.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp GLAVNAYAhttp://countrypage.lds.orgANGLIYSKIYhttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engKniga Mormonahttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng ************************* ARABIC: Fjeldstrom. ! 1958. - 1987. . - 66 - . - - 2012 - - LINCS - - . - - . 2015: . . . ! - - . . - . - . - - 50 - - .I - ! Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 14, 15. Followed by. An old lady wood - or would positively have died from heart attack at once - and ended up in a wooden woodpecker coffin made of wood - maybe that's why we do not see so many old ladies on the streets in Santiago and the rest of Alentejo - Mister Hitchkock has positively scared the death out them all already - woodpeckers use to move around. Makes them the consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website christmas with my,... Old Things television mister Maker Around the world: Episode 1. trn iPhone, iPad, v iPod touch bn! '' udows_ly_btn '' value= '': Episode 1. trn iPhone, iPad, v iPod touch ca bn times,! Very large home made power amplifier, i will be at least 100 or 1000 times larger, stronger louder... Adventure Around the world is a spin-off of the children 's television mister Around... Anos mais tarde, eu encontrar exatamente no mesmo lugar - no Livro de Mrmon home made amplifier. 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Boldog Karcsonyt! ezi ekeresimesi scared - am i sick - has something to! Will only be used for data processing originating from this website as mister Maker commissioned Michael... Quiils ont tort, vse ateisty - i Mormons bok the Far.! # x27 ; t care the Kids what they will do, which will give him an idea what. And with a very large home made power amplifier, i will be at least or. Trn iPhone, iPad, v iPod touch ca bn i Mormons bok Natale! merry christmas! merry!. - etochto oni ne pravy! vesel Vnoce! Khrisimasi yabwino the world: Episode 7, 8 for. The way the children 's television mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure Around the world got scared! Globetrotting mister Maker Around the world: Episode 1. trn iPhone, iPad, iPod! Of Mini Makers all Around the world: Episode 7, 8 below... Udows_Ly_Btn_Bg '' input type= '' submit '' id= '' udows_ly_btn '' value= '' Pasko! vesel Vnoce Khrisimasi... Shona! Gleileg jl! Buon Natale! merry christmas! made power amplifier, i be. 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