That authority has been passed down through Apostolic succession. Ive been defending the posting of these pictures.. Christ forgave and still treated people charitably. I just checked Jimmys Store he doesnt seem to carry any action figures of himself or James White? If he did it intentionally, that would make him a liar. Actually, could you provide the title of the book??? I believe that both Christie Davies (an Anglican) and the creator of the modern theory of linguistic humor, Victor Raskin (a Jew), both of whom I know, might disagree with me in particulars, but agree in the main. Have you even paid attention to the White v. Beckwith debate??? What? Id non faciam, definitum est. Amazing so since theyre dead, they dont know anything??? I would simply point out that the changes to the pictures maintain the theme of attempting to bring death. This is DISHONEST folks! Lamech Dont you? Or perhaps the collective memory/prejudice of us protestants is holographicly generating the artifacts of history in question and we will all be saved once we realize it never happened after all. I should have followed my own advice, and refused to dialogue with anyone who could not honestly say that what he did was intended to hurt, and therefore, lacking charity, was as a clanging gong. And Mark 11, If you hold ANYTHING against ANYONE, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. And just what is right and wrong? Thank you, Constantine. Martin Luther is an ally on this question. This is precisely what I was talking about when I mentioned a disgusting implication of moral equivalency where in fact none exists. That would be me calling you a liar, yes? John, I love the phrase Tiber swim team I was right. As far as any of us know, youre a college student with a very basic understanding of the applications of symbolic logic. and had sinisterly maligned Catholic Answers gone off to??? They were borrowed from a previous post of his involving Salmon Rushdie and, as such, were perfectly appropriate in the context of what he had to say. Thatsobtuse. Whites is consistent about one thing: there is no principle that White is not willing to throw away out of sheer convenience if his opponent is Catholic. Now I of course dont know him personally so my observations are exactly that. Maybe we can call the blue helmet guys in as peacekeepers? Look, have any of yall defending him READ the bloody post that goes with the pictures? Anon and Carebear, It was inappropriate. So I dont want to hurt you, in any way. Satanic Easy-To-Read Version Thats the kind of thing Im talking about. If you have a battle with the truth, thats your battle. Either you believe what the Bible says, or you do not. There phone # is (951) 242-4988. Again, my bad for not crying wolf when a dog barks. Regardless of what has happened behind the keyboard, no one can argue that White is rude to his opponents in his debates and the White/Pacwa debates have proved this. Usually Ill employ sarcasm + substance in order to make a point. Maybe you were under the impression that you were going to be in a safe place to just share your journey and not be challenged? Unfortunately, Naik knows better than to debate those who can demonstrate his errors. B.A. Its like watching one of those thriller movies where you talk to the TV saying please, dont go in that room, something terrible will happen if you do, but the hero or heroine cannot hear you, and they go in that room, and something terrible does happen. I was addressing the Roman Catholic apologetics community. Posted by: Jerry | Aug 10, 2007 6:37:05 AM The Acts of Uziah[16] I dont think Catholic answers likes tied(or whatever you call it in this case) to their website. Registrant Honestly. Registrant State/Province:CA sorry, I dont know what you mean by Angelwing Consperacy. God Bless. I read the Scriptue Alone Controversy and I loved the analogies he drew and the way he explained the many theories involved in this subject and compared and contrasted them with the catholic position. Dont you even know that there were huge disagreements in the Early Church about what the Canon of Scripture was ultimately comprised of??? Uhhhh does that mean that since the Apostles are dead, they dont know anything as well and, therefore, perhaps we should simply discard the New Testament, or even the Old Testament for that matter, since the Patriarchs, the Prophets, etc., are also dead! WHY DONT YOU ALLOW COMMENTS ON YOUR BLOG LIKE JIMMY? To quote White, yet again; Ed, thanks for the laugh. FWIW, after reading Jimmys posts for a while, I cant think of a single instance where Jimmy has misdirected tough theological questions. Par for the course. If people want to continue these largely pointless discussions, can they at the very least Catholics and Protestants be charitable. Eileen and Simple Sinner, yes and Im glad you spelled it out. - You accuse Catholic Answers for the url Offensiveness can also, of course, indicate closed-mindedness. What Does a Christian Need to Know About Roman Catholicism? The simple fact is: Jimmy is willing to be cross-examined in public on his own blog without even being able to effectively monitor the results. I dont remotely claim to have walked it myself with any consistency. And somehow, people go out of the woodwork to attack you for doing so? (Of course, in that time, I did some theological reflection, and the doctrine developed into a more fully rounded & Biblical set of teachings. A simple example, many Christians interpret Gods wrath on Sodom and Gemmorah, as a judgement on homosexuality and general sexual immorality. As far as we know, it could have been nothing but grannies and babies calling him to charity. I havent read the book by Dr. White. These folks who have deviously perpetrated the entire affair here are a DISGRACE to Protestants!!! true faith is alway accompanied by works. My Reply Dont talk to me about his theological positions or his possible lack of charity in other areas. This does not mean that White does not know anything. Now that Ive been nice enough to answer your question, could you return the courtesy and answer mine? Hey, I know how you can tell if youve made a *really* good response! Foxfier defies Aristotillean logic and that does it for me. Bill, dont you know that theyre here to yell for us to interact with the (their) issues, not to actually respond when we do so? Esau, Someone even went so far as to register his name and then point the site to Catholic Answers. Good question, Esau. 3) James White rejects this characterization of his criticisms nothing wrong with that. It does cause a tinge of shame at using the word Christian, especially when talking with people who dont want to be Christian because of petty infighting between denominations. Visit the Amazing. He has a gift, really. Before anyone knew the state of what God had done (canon mediated), God infallibly knew the current state and content of canon (infallible). Do you judge a book by its cover? To be honest, it troubles me, because I feel like Ive been wasting my time in talking to you (although I hope its not been a waste). Maybe not the best nor accurate but nonetheless tongue in cheek. Only He knows all of the facts. The locus of discussion in this thread, properly speaking, is humor, not theology, per se, except as to how it applies to Dr. Whites attempt at humor in these pictures. Of course we hold these truths to be self-evident! However, even men can choose to get inked with this. Will you in turn address one of my issues? The biblical support for Sola Scriptura, if it exists, is then by definition contained in this revelation. Bob: I dont appreciate the namecalling and I will not engage in discussion who does such an inappropriate and vile thing. For Pete sakes people your committing logical fallacy in pretty much every post. Today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart. Heisenburg, thats a nice thought. Though he carelessly places his comments on his ministry website, I would hope they are not one and the same. for we also forgive EVERYONE who sins against us. No, you did that. 3. Again, my bad for not crying wolf when a dog barks. Besides, there are nuts in every faith or philosophy. Silence is the word of the day, it would seem, yet only in relation to pertinent issues. The guys at Doctrine & Life are great. Thus, perhaps you see now at least a potential source of frustration for the Reformed Caucus. I have been reading these anti-protestant posts and have been unwilling to dive into the murk, because all I am seeing are hundreds of little barbs, some less well disguised than others, directed at the person, character, intellect, education, motivation, etc., of one non-Catholic guy. However, it is axiomatic that all healing comes from Jesus. CareBear, *we dont care* what insanity you want to bring out. But I will reveal the truth to you: Its too late to save James White. Eric Judging from the actions of White himself, he disagrees with you. And, by the bye,I am a United Methodist, not Catholic. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools. You might be wondering, What colours for alpha omega tattoo are best suited? While you can let your imagination flow and pick any colour you want to, red alpha omega tattoos seem to be quite vivid and popular. Call it a red herring, jumping the shark, ad hominum (where the hominum is the Body of Christ), or what have you. 1. What part of him as done the deed must fess up does the Reform lot not understand??? I would like to say that no amount of defending on anyones part can make what White did seem like an appropriate response to a call to charity. I do not defend these pictures, but I understand what he was trying to say; those who cry for charity should not do so by calling the intended subject of their request moronic, stupid, childish, and much worse. The pictures apply to all Roman Catholics and not the select few that they are geared towards. peace. Humbly, Registrant ID:DI_471115 Wrong again. He allows those who do not repent to choose freely to go to hell. What horrors are you referring to? Ive met White and seen him debate. not a form of probation requiring our good behavior. Oh, and Im still waiting for your proof that Jimmy Akin was aware of the blog post you were kvetching about. The Book of Jehu[14] here. However, lets not all of a sudden likewise stone a person merely for acting so naturally under those conditions. 56 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him. Step up and play the man. You should not give yourself a reputation for purblind deceptiveness trying to save him. That alone should be enough to appease some people but as of this writing, the pictures are still there. Everyone who is joined to Christ is under the obligation, the call, to stimulate one another to love and good deeds. The Psalms of Solomon I am sorry for my tone. Insignificant: authors frequently use an idea gleaned from someone else without remembering that they even read it somewhere else. Yes, other than to say it was done so as to forward from to But they dont make it easier for those on the other side to get across. The Apostles were empowered by our Saviour to forgive sins: Heyif Im going to be a member of Akins Crewcan I at least get the T-shirt? Thus, perhaps you see now at least a potential source of frustration for Catholics. of customer 3 Keep in mind that the Catholic Church is not a person, its the church founded by Christ. Let him be the first not to forgive. Westcott and Matthew, Esau and Foxflier Paul, How do we know what decisions were made at it? You level against me that: Maybe you were under the impression that you were going to be in a safe place to just share your journey and not be challenged? What makes you think I am refering specifically to Catholics. . I wont be shoved aside by such a tactic. I dont think youll find a Catholic in the world whod defend that assertion. The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia[22] Lets be honest, if it were anyone other than him posting pictures like that people wouldnt be reacting in such a manner. Now instead, you ought to forgive. Thats all well and good, but the artist who changed the picture changed the story in so doing. Pope Damasus? We differ from yall primarily in that we believe that reason, as a moral obligation before God, must be applied to the truth claims of any and all visible institutions. His ThM, Th.D. Whites fans always do. And, why it is not clear to all of us who seek Gods will? He has contributed to more than twenty books. why I want him to address the real issues White raised Dear Okey: Theres a huge difference between that and the childish, tantrum-like posting of photos that are an angry lashing out. of customer 3 What about that description of Christians all having great love for one another?! Think of it as a healthy kind of check-and-balance system. Now you may say, Oh what about the Cathars? or some other group, and yes, there were religious persecutions before the Reformation, but various reasons the Reformation unleashed the whirlwind. Its not the priest who forgives me in the Confessional, its Jesus. good manners & Christian charity. In fact, even the notion that invoking Nazis equates to forfeiture is technically an extension of the original law, which merely states that a comparison to Hitler or Nazis becomes increasingly inevitable the longer an online discussion continues. Would the Bishops at Nicea recognize and accept sola scriptura? You insist that it neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God used the councils to establish the canon of the Church. CareBear: The paragraph after the bold/italic bit is Pullmans answer and the rest is me. There a very benign reason for the comment about 500 posts, but Greg, in his eagerness to slam Catholics didnt even consider it. You are certainly going to turn a lot of heads with this one! Foxfier wrote ages ago: . I mean Islamic fundementalist do not follow the Quran only, in fact there is only one group that I know of that follow the Quran only, and that is a peaceful group called the submitters. 1) We have a rule here about not using some type of name when posting. Assertion 2) Those who take offense to that assumption are like Islamist terror supporting mobs. Especially when a new Catholic like Dr Beckwith is involved you dont want to just let them throw mud at him. Youre just employing sarcasm alone which would lead anyone to believe you dont have anything substantative to add to it so, can I safely assume argument is over and all this hubub about Dr. White always being so wrong is a fabrication of a bunch of people who have never actually read Dr. White to begin with? And I think his analogy to jihad is an apropos means of expressing it. The Word of God is eternal, and Gods own self-knowledge, the knowledge of the Word inclusive, is eternal as well. The brilliance of your tactic is this: if the commenter had substituted people for racevoila! I implore Dr. White to revise his pictures. Amen. Lets keep in mind the context of said quotation marks. Begging the question of when you proved that such a thing was true. I think that the tempers on this discussion have gotten far out of hand, and thats very, very bad. Remember nowsubstance. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. The people here are rock solid in their faith, wise, witty and fun. By the by, for the CA website url? More ad hominem. Given that you keep referring to James Whites arguments all the time, I think TeddyRuxpin would be a better handle. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 9, 2007 11:02:08 PM It has a nice rounded look, so it can just as easily fit on your shoulder as it can on your wrist. Puritan Board Junior. Because if he repents, you should forgive him. The reason I say that is that White has now posted pictures Youll get that casuistry degree yet. However, no matter how infallible God is, us men are fallible. What? His blog posts however are invective. On the other hand, I am happy that White and friends characterize Catholic converts as being emotionally driven because I have lived so much of my life being accused of the exact opposite. without considering that there might, just might possibly be an alternate explanation I dont have to post a point-by-point case on James Whites innocence in the Beckwith debate because that has absolutely nothing to do with Jimmy Akin and 20 Roman Catholic fanbois getting their toes stepped on via a couple of pictures that accurately display their childish, hypocritical attitudes. Funny. Where do we see that Pilot and Herod who falsely judged him, the Roman soldiers who executed him, the crowd of witnesses who called, Crucify him!, the leaders who plotted to arrest and try him, or those who falsely testified against him first said, Sorry Jesus.? It is DECEPTION! So I hope I help you understand that what James White did is in order of magnitude far worse than your common troll like Edward. We are not Sola Scriptura, but that does not mean that we do not believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. If thats not good enough for you, so be it. His blog is accessible, worldwide, not merely to his friends. God tests those He loves. HA! There is NO reason for a White disciple to point anyone to Catholic Answers, let alone build up some elaborate hoax to discredit the Catholics here. Esua, Reno, The End of Interpretation: Reclaiming the Priority of Ecclesial Exegesis. God, in writing the scriptures through the hands of men, seeks to express, present and incarnate Himself to the world in a new way. Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end in tattoo symbolism and meanings. But our home is elsewhere and we should long to return. Not to mention a call to the authorities. His Council of Rome? Christians are also called to help those brothers and sisters in Christ who are failing in some substantial matter of living their faith. I have four of my own to get in bed. If James Whites position is so biblical what is is he hiding behind? Is the Bible the Only Infallible Rule of Faith? Dr. Beckwith has not made anything personal, but it seems everyone, and especially James White, sure has made it personal. Love Jesus and His word. thus doesnt need to have the slightest relation to the site it forwards to. Forget it, Foxfier; youre getting replies that keep coming across as variations of: I know what you are, but what am I.. That would be me calling you a liar, yes? SeanPatrickCornell. But one of the problems with being a mystic is that you cannot really go around telling people you are an amateur mystic like you can tell people you are a professional or amateur apologist. Also, there is some point of Catholic history not allowing religious liberty and actually persecuting or killing people. That is, why would Catholic anybody (e.g., Catholic Answers, Jimmy Akin, or especially the Catholic Church) actually engage in such an act? Why dont YOU call them up Churchmouse, as youre the one who had the questions? If were going to play that game though, please prove to me James White was aware that the pictures would yield said results and that he didnt post them in jest, as on that premise rests all the argument of your wolf criers and alarm monkies. However, I didnt wish to anger anyoneI see this entire thing as a joke, but I realize others obviously dont. Did they somehow ressurect in order to be photographed and used by James White to make an ironic statement? Contact. Its the Vast Angelwing Conspiracy, Jeremiah! I feel if I quote anymore Dr. White is going to sue me. Isnt this the kind of answers that Roman Catholic apologists hate? Humor theory is fascinating, like music theory. They had a sacred book that provided an explanation of history which so far transcended every other explanation as to be unquestionable. It has to have sufficient relation to have set it up to do that. White supporters have come to this board for serious discussion only to be dismissed with hostility or claims that its off topic.. Sorry for my tone and fun is is he hiding behind up to do that figures of himself James. Alpha omega tattoo are best suited who forgives me in the Confessional, its Jesus a with. A disgusting implication of moral equivalency where in fact none james white alpha omega tattoo besides, is! 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