What happened to Tessa and Hardin at the end of After? They are intercepted by Molly on their way out, and her snide remarks are enough to prompt Tessa to stay for one more drink against Hardin's better judgment. How old is Tessa in After We Fell? The next morning, Tessa wakes up in bed with Hardin laying on her back sound asleep. . And because Anna Todd is the queen of cliffhanger endings,"After We Fell" wraps up with a shocker: Hardin learns his mother has been having a long-term affair dating back to when she originally got together with Hardin's father. She doesn't tell Carol about the bet but merely states that things didn't go well with Hardin. 18 hours ago, by Chanel Vargas She cuts her finger on the glass so he takes her inside and helps her clean the minor cut. This back and forth keeps going on for a bit, culminating in a major fight over Zed and Hardin's communication problems. He's upset as "his" Tessa would never kiss a stranger. He can tell that she isn't entirely okay with what happened last night to which she agrees, but she refuses to talk about it as he hurt her and she can't forgive him. Angered, he kicks down the bathroom door to find Trevor in only his boxers, clutching his wet clothing. This is news to Tessa, who didn't know that Hardin knew Vance from before. As we find out throughout book three, Tessa's dad has been getting mixed up in the wrong crowd while also developing a heavy drug addiction. Much of the book is a tug of war between these two, and of course, their journey is an emotional roller coaster of epic proportions. Tessa does attend the party and stands on the balcony next to Trevor as she happily witnesses Vance and Kimberly become engaged. Another fight breaks out, and Hardin leaves. Carol decides to do just that and Tessa bids her mother and Noah farewell. He initially claimed the apartment belonged to a friend of his father's, but later admitted that he wants them to live there together. He asks if she wants to talk about it over food since he's buying. The bitchy banter begins instantly with Molly starting the game of Truth or Dare by asking Tessa if she's a virgin. She falls asleep reading and is awakened the next morning by Vance, who is sitting across from her. She thanks him then looks at a photo of her and Hardin together, but then puts it away to return to work. She sits cross-legged on the bed and takes one of Hardin's shirts that he left on the bed, raising it to her face as she cries softly. They shared a dance and had a good night despite the tension between Hardin and his father, Ken Scott. Tessa assures her that it's ancient history, just before Ally asks Tessa if she wants to take her place in the next round of beer pong against Steph and Tristan. She is shocked to see him and the champagne flute she was holding slips from her hand and shatters on the floor. She easily socializes with the group she falls into, which comprises of Trish, Karen, Landon, Ken, and a few strangers. A post shared by Josephine Langford (@josephinelangford). Both take the. He's her best friend. Tessa marches to the living room where she is joined by Hardin, and she sits on his lap. 21 hours ago, by Njera Perkins Hardin then tells Tessa that she is the only one for him and that he loves her, to which she returns to the sentiment. Tessa Tess (by Hardin and Landon) Tessie (by Richard) Baby (by Hardin) Gender Female Birthday December 19th, 1994 Occupation Wedding Planner (currently) Student at WCU (transfered out) Student at Seattle University (dropped out) Student at NYU (graduated) Intern at Vance Publishing (formerly) Waitress at Lookout (formerly) Education He asks what's taking her so long to which she quips back that she's being a woman and to leave so she can get ready. Tessa hangs up while Carol angrily protests. Seeing how Hardin's dad, Chancellor Scott, was able to straighten up his life, Tessa hopes she can help her own dad do the same. She is surprised by the offer and asks if she can think about it, to which he is a little surprised but agrees and wishes her a happy new year before hanging up. Hardin invites Tessa to his father's engagement party which she happily attends. She receives a text from Landon asking her to come over and help him with Hardin. "After We Fell" kicks off with Tessa on the cusp of unveiling her exciting news to Hardin about moving to Seattle for a big opportunity with Vance Publishing. The Australian actress has done notable work in the Netflix movie Moxie.. AFTER WE FELL PLOT SUMMARY: Tessa's alcoholic dad is back in her life, and staying with Tessa and Hardin, much to Hardin's chagrin. Yet, true to the previous novels, the book does end on another . She reads the quote which says, "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on" and realizes that he got it for her. With this, she remembers Hardin reading to her in the library which makes her more emotional. She returns back to the apartment where she shares a long hug with Hardin outside the building. Their public displays of affection make Hardin's friends, specifically Molly and Zed, suspicious as they follow the couple around. Inside the card are the words, Tessa's perfect day. I havent had a girl I would call my girlfriend. Moreover, even Josephine has refuted the rumors and it has since been established that both of them are just good friends. This changed when she met Hardin Scott, a rebellious college student who tested her intellectually and mentally. On the dance floor, she lets relax and dances with a stranger who begins to blur into Hardin in her mind. Meanwhile, Hardin's family life is rocky, and his anger issues get worse when he's around his father. Tessa apologizes for what happened to her. Tessa immediately meets her new boss, Kimberly, who welcomes Tessa to the company and wants to introduce her to Christian Vance. Trish was hoping Hardin would forget everything but then the nightmares started so she took him to therapists, but to no avail. Turns out he hasn't told her about the breakup. At the beginning of her freshman year in college, Tessa dressed conservatively, wearing oversized shirts and long skirts. Tessa puts down her Kindle, asking a writing Hardin if he's ever going to show her what he's writing in there, to which he responds that he might tell her one day. Finally, they talk about it and get back together. Overcome with rage, Tessa tackles Molly to the ground where they begin a fierce fight of hair pulling, slapping, and slamming each other into walls. Aware of what's happening in a room nearby, Molly notifies Hardin, but Zed beats him to the punch and rescues Tessa before things get much, much worse. When the group finds out about Tessa's Seattle news, they throw her a going-away party . Vance recommends that Kimberly take Tessa shopping for a dress for that night, to which Kimberly happily obliges. She picks it up to turn the chime off when she discovers a slew of messages from Molly wanting to meet with him and talking about something going on. They flirt and exchange longing looks before kissing in the water. . She looks to Steph, Zed, and Molly, realizing that they all knew and didn't tell her. 7. A reunion with her estranged father challenges her growth and forces her to face her own childhood scars, such as her abandonment. Once in bed, they say goodnight though Tessa rolls over to tell him that she's leaving early in the morning to head out of town. 18 hours ago, by Chanel Vargas (Yes, Landon; you go!) Tessa applies for an internship at Vance Publishing, which she attends an interview for after being accepted. Tessa loves kids so she is happy to participate, though Hardin only agrees due to the birthday promise he made to Tessa. They share a hug, both mutually happy to see one another. Tessa has an innocent appearance with dirty blonde hair, round blue eyes, and full plump lips. She jokes that they should stop meeting like this, than asks how his break was. This unfortunately doesn't change Hardin's betrayal or how she is impacted by it, so she chooses to ignore the letter and attempt to gain some sense of normality. He wishes her a happy birthday with her saying goodnight before kissing him, and they exchange kisses and goodnights. He then tells her that he answered her phone at the hospital and it was Hardin, who wanted to talk to her. Leaving Tessa to wonder what more Hardin could be hiding.BUT, even though Hardin behaves in the most despicable way, it seems he really does love Tessa. A moment passes before she begins to change her physical demeanor into that of a condescending one, and taunts him with the idea of sleeping with someone else. Hero said in a 2020 interview that despite the one-year gaps between filming the first and second movies, they were able to pick up from where they left and work professionally. They hug and spend the day together. He offers to get her a drink but she's sticking to water as that's all she can afford since she's been using Uber a lot. Trish explains they started when Hardin was eight. The girls introduce themselves as Steph Jones, Tessa's roommate, and her girlfriend, Tristan. Josephine added that the familiarity due to working together helped resume the same rapport each time. Tessa's phone rings in the midst of the shower and she realizes it's Kimberly and has to take it, which baffles Hardin. They talk about her birthday, to which she tells him she did. So, it makes sense that in the movie, they would opt to make Hardin less of a terrible person. Vance agreed to put her auto-insurance on the company policy so that will be free, though he states she doesn't have to take the deal he just enjoys crunching numbers. But the problem is that without Hardin being a horrible person, the movie really has no plot at all. Hardin sharply tells Molly to shut up but she ignores him and asks if Tessa remembers truth or dare. She gushes over Tessa which embarrasses Hardin but Trish brushes it off, saying that she and Tessa are going to be the best of friends. She hates ketchup and doesn't like it on any type of food. They say goodbye and she returns to her apartment. Nonetheless, it is quite evident that the two actors enjoyed filming After We Fell and After Ever Happy simultaneously in Sofia, Bulgaria, in late 2020. Tessa is eager to reconnect with her father, who she hasn't seen in nine years, but protective boyfriend Hardin raises some pretty rightful concerns. Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter. Tessa has a slim but curvaceous figure. This sparks Tessa's jealousy and concern so she confronts Hardin about the messages. One of which includes them in the tub. She is soon found by Trevor who plans to leave the nightclub, and she wants to join him for fries and ice cream. Tessa tries to reconcile with her father, though Hardin warns her against this idea, and ends up letting him stay at her and Hardin's shared apartment. But first, she needs to face a piece of her past: her father. He demands to know who she kissed and if it was Trevor, but she shouts that it wasn't. When she enters her first year of university with grand ambitions for her future, her guarded world opens up when she meets the dark and mysterious Hardin Scott. Tessa and Hardin's relationship has taken several turns and things certainly won't be the same after everything that went down in the sequel. Hardin sabotages Tessa's apartment rental in Seattle just days before she's supposed to move there for her dream job, uses another girl to make her jealous, and they end up breaking up. Hardin follows her outside and believes he missed her when he sees an Uber leaving. 18 years old In the first movie, After, Tessa is 18 years old as she starts her first year of college as a freshman, while Hardin is a year older than her. She suddenly feels like dancing and approaches the dance floor while Trevor attempts to talk business with Vance's client. Hardin grabs her arm to stop her and she turns around while he demands to know what that was all about. She doesn't believe him and quotes back what the girl said about not kissing and telling, then shoves him backward calling him a "fucking liar". A moment of silence passes and he emotionally realizes that she's never going to trust him. Hardin reacts and slams the man against the wall, holding him by his shirt. Theresa Lynn Young is the only child of Carol and Richard Young. He doesn't want to leave her alone, and didn't think she would want to go after what happened, so he isn't going. 6. The woman understands and asks if Hardin is sorry, to which Tessa believes that he is. With Trish out of ear shot, Tessa hurries to Hardin asking what he's doing here as he's supposed to be in London. She replies that she's been trying to find him online but hasn't had any luck so far. 1 day ago, by Monica Sisavat Tessa is dancing when she finds Hardin coming downstairs, and they decide to leave. Hardin hears Tessa mutter Zed's name in her sleep and decides to get drunk somewhere. A homeless man begins following them and the man touches Tessa's shoulder and calls her by name. Tessa turned to an emotional Hardin and asked if it was true. Finished the first book, "After"? The 'After' movie series is based on the eponymous novels by Anna Todd, which in turn have been adapted from the Wattpad fanfiction stories by the author. The next day, she takes Landon for a ride in the car, which he thinks is "very Tessa". They sit out some positions but partake in another where he uses the time to tickle her ribs and break her concentration. One day, Richard didn't come home and she learned that he had left the women. She is also disheartened by the mess in the kitchen of broken plates, glasses, and vases. After she rejected Hardin, he sensed his friends mocking manners and made a bet that he could make Tessa fall in with him. He reveals that she shares a birthday with Joseph Stalin and is a proud and idealistic person. She thanks him again for the gift. In the first movie, After, Tessa is 18 years old as she starts her first year of college as a freshman, while Hardin is a year older than her. He counts down her time then kisses her. He knew that she would be in town today as he spoke with her mom, which Tessa asks if she had him on speed dial as soon as she crossed state lines. 1 day ago. Meanwhile, Tessa is gearing up to move to Seattle for her . But have they been able to maintain their bond over the years or not, is a question yet to be answered. He acts cool towards her and informs her that while the day was fun, he doesn't date. They wrestle around on the ground exchanging blows before Jace is pulled off Hardin by the other guys. He doesn't tell her what he traced and instead, kisses her. Carol takes a moment before threatening to cut Tessa off financially if she doesn't end things with Hardin. "After We Collided" ends with this cliffhanger, leading the reader to rush to its sequel "After We Fell" to see what new troubles the couple will have to face now . She was inexperienced in relationships when she entered college, having only had one serious boyfriend that she didn't truly love or have a sense of passion with. Upon the release of After in 2019, Hero and Josephine shot to instant fame. He gives her a folder that he made that contains a cost analysis breakdown of her weekly Uber expensure versus owning a used car. They appear to be back together and happy once again. Lets find out together. His phone rings and she sees that it's her mother so she answers for Noah, and Carol apologizes as she got stuck at work but asks if Tessa got there yet, unaware that Tessa is the one who answered. While attending Ken's Christmas party she wore a green dress that reached her knees. How does the book After We Fell end? Tessa returns to the apartment to find Hardin putting together a new lap to replace the one he broke earlier. Tessa smiles up at Hardin who smiles back, and she sets her head on his shoulder. She responds that she loves books which makes sense to him. Tessa stops herself before anything happens and promptly leaves the party. Their happiness continues as they share a bath with her trying to guess the words that he traces on her back. As he storms off he shouts "fuck you" at her and she returns the sentiment as they walk away from one another, the rest of the party watching them. She asks him who he loves most in the world. She decides to go despite the pouring down rain and lack of a car. 18 hours ago, by Amber Frost He loudly curses then wishes her a happy birthday. The After movie series is based on the eponymous novels by Anna Todd, which in turn have been adapted from the Wattpad fanfiction stories by the author. He complains a little about the heat, remarking that the poses aren't what is melting away his tension but the heat. She watches their heated conversation before he joins her. They hang up and she frantically tries to find her clothes while Hardin yells for her to come back to bed. Jace responds to her message stating that if she comes to the Videodrome he'll tell her where Hardin is. He claims that this one is better anyway, to which she merely smiled at him as she passes by. Meanwhile, despite longing to have both work and love, Tessa is unwilling to sacrifice her career, and moves to Seattle to continue working at Vance Publishing. Before explores Hardin Scott's life before Tessa, reveals what happens after After, and gives new insights on their turbulent #Hessa romance. Once the class is dismissed, Tessa vents to Landon over her frustration regarding the Brit, even mocking his accent. Other guys does tessa sleep with anyone other than hardin first, she lets relax and dances with a stranger on... Refuted the rumors and it was true in another where he uses the time to tickle ribs... Well with Hardin about the bet but merely states that things did n't come home she. And informs her that while the day was fun, he kicks down the bathroom door to find Trevor only... Sense that in the car, which he thinks is `` very Tessa '' rebellious student..., suspicious as they share a bath with her trying to find her clothes while Hardin yells for to. Her mind Frost he loudly curses then wishes her a folder that he her! Upset as `` his '' Tessa would never kiss a stranger girl i would call girlfriend. 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does tessa sleep with anyone other than hardin

does tessa sleep with anyone other than hardin

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