Makes sense to me! After cruising the cut since 1975, starting with hire boats, then owned boats and shared boats I have since my widowhood enjoyed hotel boats. David always had an interest in media - his earliest broadcasting recollection is sitting in his childhood bedroom DJing a 'radio show' to his mum downstairs via a pair of kids walkie-talkies - so today he creates videos about canals, narrowboats and life afloat on his YouTube channel Cruising The Cut, and about his DIY campervan conversion at David then decided to sell up his land-based home and a lot of his possessions and live a more nomadic lifestyle cruising the canals of the UK. Thank you Tracy; I shall post the occasional update until my proper (albeit reduced) schedule returns! What happens if you overstay on a mooring?The CRT have towpath rangers who patrol and note down boat licence numbers and dates; they will issue an overstay notice requiring you to move if you hang around too long. No plans for that at present though. Its got loads of very expert people who chip in but the only thing you have to watch is that sometimes the discussions veer (quickly) wildly off on a tangent, which is unhelpful, or occasionally descend into vitriolic arguments. Regards, David, Bravo! Come back when a fresh wind carries with it some new found enchantment. I lived in Rugby the last 15 years while my daughter attended the eponymous school. All the navigations on the canal, even the tight corners can be easily turned by using the tiller, as can most maneouvres such as mooring. Its a great idea about focusing on more human interest topics. How do you deal with all the mosquitoes on the canals?There really arent that many. Firstly, producing Travels By Narrowboat 'is' my job. The videos the last 5 years you can see and hear that in your videos. I wish you that your new subject for videos gained even a bigger audience. Also, due to the shallowness of much of the canal network, any blacking on the baseplate would be quickly scraped off in many areas. Just found cruising The Cut on Amazon this weekend, what a breath of fresh air your commentary is along with the history of the canals. Secondly, without some kind of clutch mechanism, the drill would crunch the paddle gear into the end stop and ultimately this would cause wear on it, which costs the CRT money to repair or maintain. A rather lovely video to end the season sees David firstly having a new stove pipe custom-made to crown the chimney he'd fixed in Episode One and then, on an utterly glorious day in mid-summer, he takes a trip to Welshpool to see, and experience, a horse-drawn narrowboat. I have a similar situation with composing music it gets too much after a while, but having a break is a great way of coming back to it, fresh and with more motivation (and a different sound). Id love to do some of the French canals though. Why do you steer from the back, not the front?Because with 40, 50 (indeed up to 72) feet of solid steel boat, you really need to stand at the back to see what its doing when you manoeuvre it; bear in mind they pivot in the middle so when you turn left, the back goes right and vice versa) not seeing what the back is doing could end up with you bashing a lot of moored boats on these narrow canals. Meanwhile: best wishes for the new year, stay healthy and safe! Also, Im out of Kentucky, and was recently out with my wife buying furniture and we met a young saleswoman from the UK. I only tend to visit pubs if Im with friends and as I have no friendsHonestly the best advice youll get will be if you phone a handful of the hire firms, who have years of experience and know their local routes like the back of their hand. So, he quit the rat race. GO FOR IT. I used to paddle a canoe. Thank you Lesley, I appreciate that. Good luck to you wherever this takes you. What happened to Cruising the Cut? There is no need to be cold on a narrowboat. Bruce Martin, Hello Bruce. I say he should do whatever makes him happy and if he wasnt feeling it with living on a narrowboat, then he should make whatever change is needed to help him feel better. Theyre really not; its just silt. Just say you were visiting and felt ill or needed a checkup or whatever. You do sometimes get boats going past in the dark though. Take care and I look forward to seeing more about the canals and your book! Watch with Prime. Cheers! Can you fish in the canals and do you eat them?You can fish if you have the appropriate licences local angling groups tend to have the rights to each stretch of canal so talk to them. Where does the grey water from the sink and shower go?Unlike your sewage, which has to be storedin one form or another until you get to an emptying point, grey water goes straight back into the canal. David sighted that he had fallen out of love with cruising his narrowboat and was moving onto land to secure a land-based home for his future retirement (or this is the impression I got from watching his announcement anyway!!). David was once a local news reporter for a major TV channel in the UK and did this for over a decade, as well as working on local radio. Have a look at Vlog 74 which is all about heating on narrowboats. cruising the cut david johns; monthly parking graduate hospital. My wife has just asked me for a divorce and your series has provided some diversion from the misery and loneliness. I look forward to your long format in depth videos. Why are the canals so disgustingly filthy? A lot of damage had to be rectified both to boats and the canal infrastructure afterwards. Hope your down time is great, and I know I cant wait to see your spring first cruise. See Lornas (London Boat Girl) video about voting here. Cheers, Hi David, I am in Johannesburg, South Africa. I know youre a humbly modest man, but like so many of your other followers weve become equally fond of seeing your face and listening to your witty narrative. It has been known to happen but generally only in severe weather and often when a nearby river or stream overflows into the canal rather than the canal itself overfilling. This has been such a lonely, odd year. Enjoyed your informative and sometimes witty scripts and your video quality is excellent. Thank you Danie, I really appreciate the comment. Hi Peter. He usually asks me to rewind a few times at the beginning to play boat show song again!. After a few tough early minutes, St. John's kicked the defense and offense into high gear, earning a 94-59 exhibition win in their last tu You take care of yourself, stay safe and stay healthy and enjoy getting away and doing something interesting FOR YOU. The argument is partly that most rust occurs at the waterline (true) because thats where you get the highest mix of water and oxygen, and partly that the baseplate is (usually) 10mm thick so it can withstand many, many years before its rusted to a point where youd worry about it. If you are selling your boat let me know about it ;-), Haha thank you. I worked briefly for a time at IBM in Havant many years ago so I vaguely know the Portsmouth area :-), Hello David from Houston TX. Why dont you get all-solar narrowboats?It sounds great, for sure. The calmness! I see a lot o vlogers that their routine is so boring so you can see that they dont have any more interesting things to show or tell apart from the every day coffee making (in US) or tea sipping (in GB). Best wishes on your break. As for voting, you can vote by post or by proxy and (Im told) either declare an affiliation with a particular area of the country and vote there, or if you still own a bricks-and-mortar home, you vote wherever it is. That said, the canal limit is 4mph but really, thats too fast. Thirdly, its not uncommon to drop a windlass into the canal by accident and it would be a very expensive mistake to do that with a cordless drill! This gets stirred up each time a boat goes by and then hangs in the water so it looks dirty.The CRT do dredge parts of the canals occasionally but its an expensive business so sadly there isnt enough dredging done. Hello! As of April 2022 however, I have moved off the boat (for the reasons why, see my explanation video by clicking here). Hence its not generally advised! Thank you Iris. I'm 53 and used to work as a local TV news reporter for ITV in the south east of England. A fireside chat where I update you on what my plans are for 2021 which starts with taking a break for a couple of months. Take care. We live in Australia, Im Australian and my wife is English, and weve had our boat sitting on hard standing there for the last 16 months (Australians are banned from leaving the country). I wish you every success in 2021 and much good health to be sure. Rest assured there are at least two more seasons for Prime still to come before they catch up with where I am on YouTube :-), I grew up along side the Birminham & Worcester near Hopwood; the brightly paintled narrowboats always caught my attention & instilled a calming sense of freedom when they chugged by. Dear David, How do you turn around?There are turning points, known as winding holes (wind as in the breeze, not as in winding a clock) every few miles although not all of them are big enough to turn the longest boats in (sizes are usually marked on the canal guides though). Haha thank you and Im glad youre enjoying the shows. Thank you for a lovely gentle series of programmes. Thanks for your videos. You just dont see it on my videos. We have a sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay, in Maryland and plan to be narrowest tourists someday soon. In the 5 years that I've lived aboard both travelling and filming, I have devoted my every waking (also sometimes sleeping) moment to filming, editing and producing episodes of TBN. The countryside is generally very soothing too. Unfortunately, 2021 doesnt look much better. I also enjoyed the cheerful ditty, in the beginning of each episode! After 13 years of doing this and working in radio, I decided to chuck it all in and buy a narrowboat to cruise around the canals on. It could disturb other boaters or I could bang into things, even with the bow light on. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Regards from South Africa I joke with my friends about this interest phenomenon and call it A big bad case of the low Ts. (male and female alike) Extremely funny! Cheers, mate. Take a break, fill up your tank to the brim and well see your happy face again! Hireboaters are not allowed to usually, under the terms of their hire. who actually want to pay me money, typically $2 $5 a month to support me in making more Vlogs. All my life after the age of fourteen when I got my drivers license (driving license to you Brits, I believe) I have always enjoyed aimlessly driving about on the miles of back roads as a form of relaxing entertainment. So hybrid solutions are the only reasonable option. And the drone batteries dont last that long either so youd be forever changing them.Using a drone to look ahead when single handed would just be way more hassle than its worth since you can either just toot your horn and proceed with caution, or youre really bothered, pull the boat in and run along to see whats coming (which would still be quicker and easier than using a drone)If you had crew aboard who could operate the boat while you do the drone, then it would make more sense but for me its not realistic. Watching your interviews and a bit if Vandemonium, Im quite confident in your ability to pivot and find a new wind. Hi Ian; to be honest, history per se is not really my thing so I doubt Ill do much on that (other than by virtue of the canals being historic in their very nature) but I hope to come up with some stuff of interest, well have to see! Best always. Boats that move around do not since they are not resident in any council area. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as the saying goes. By that point the camera on my boats bow is 50 feet further forward so its missed it. . Of Suicide Squad was a million the 2016 Ken . Certainly I can well understand that making videos and doing all that dialogue would not be at all a joy compared with simply turning on ones television set and watching from a reclining easy chair. By the way, there may be a shed load of boat tubers out there, but none of them have the professionalism (and dulcet tone!) Im all up to seeing more documentary type videos. One life.. live it! I still smile about the vlog where you let that other boat overtake and do the hard work for you! Cheers! I am sure i carry the sentiment of all of your viewers and subscribers when i say i hope to see you again, creating new content after your well deserved break.. I presume the climate here just isnt warm enough for great clouds of them that you might find in other countries. Do the canals ever flood? Although he does also have an Instagram account and Facebook page, which might also come in handy . I was lent a narrowboat for a week by two viewers of the channel! Cheers. And . Heres to 2022! Wow, loved watching and then the end. If you are like me and enjoy watching a range of narrowboat or canal boat based Youtubers, you may have been an avid watcher of a channel called Cruising the Cut. Regards, David, Dear David, as much as I dislike the message I do understand! Thank you! I understand completely your reasons for cutting back on vlogs. Cruising the Cut. Im sure I speak for lots of us in that we will miss your happy face and funny escapades. Fair winds and following waters from California. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. So while I shall look forward to seeing you down the road, thank you ever so much for making my life better. Theyre really not designed for water thats not totally flat calm, and typically have holes in the hull (eg for sink waste outlets or engine cooling vents) just a few inches above the waterline so any waves could easily flood the boat. There is always something you will have missed previously. That said many boaters disagree entirely with these arguents and do paint the baseplate how often is down to their enthusiasm for the task and / or the depth of their wallet. The novelty has won off now after 5years maybe. A break will do you good and you can decide on the way forward. Bear in mind the canals are entirely man-made and were quite literally dug out by teams of thousands of men a couple of hundred years ago, using pickaxes and shovels. I recently discovered you on Amazon Prime over Christmas and your series has been a great help to me. How fast can you go on the canals?Asking how fast is to miss the point of narrowboating. Have fun & take us with you. Love your minidocus! I have never visited your part of the world and had no idea that cruising the canals was taking place. It was rest for the mind in this crazy 2020 year. Thanks and have a great new year! Enjoy the down time, and the new ideas and new adventures and look forward to seeing your first vid in new series. At first I was able to help with the locks etc . Hi Sandra. Loved the Christmas dinner episode. If the boat ever goes up for sale, it will be through a broker and yes, I would announce it on the channel. Rest and see how you feel. Cheers. I enthusiastically support any direction you intend to pursue. Do you pay council tax?Boats on official residential moorings pay council tax as they are classed as residences. OH! Now 30 odd years later youve given me a fascinating insight. I produce videos on several YouTube channels, each with a different niche: Cruising the Cut (narrowboats, canals and other boaty matters); Vandemonium (campervans); UKAirscape and Tubeshootermag (camcorders and filming gear); DavidExpert (random gadget reviews) and David Reads Stories (exactly as the name suggests) The reason I'm blogging about this is that in October 2019 the vloger, former TV presenter David Johns*, came to Liverpool to experience crossing the Mersey estuary in a narrow boat. Thus at the height of summer, the panels might provide sufficient motive power as it was used but none to recharge the batteries as well.At any other time, youd have to let the panels charge the batteries for longer such that in spring and autumn it could easily take several hours to recharge for an hours worth of movement.Without an additional (conventional) generator therefore, pure solar on a canal narrowboat is only suited for weekend breaks and day boats but not constantly cruising liveaboards. I spent happy hours walking the Oxford canal (gongoozeler) and its rich wildlife. Since that original video we enjoyed binge watching all your videos (starting with #1) this past year. Seeing your posts I hope whatever you have a go at you can enjoy it with the same passion. Then he leaves the boat again and visits friends going over the world-famous Pontcysyllte aqueduct in north Wales. Bravo! Thank you! Cheers. If Im honest I have been struggling a bit lately. One a month would work I think, you have quality so do not worry about quantity. Cannot believe that the end. of thousands of video views to get any sensible money. We had a very similar experience when, on a sunny day in late March, David Johns came to visit us and record an episode for his canal-based vlog Cruising the Cut. . There are no speed police or radar traps on the canals however; its more the ire of other boaters that you will incur though Im sure if a CRT officer saw you zooming along theyd note your boat registration number (which is required to be clearly visible) and send you a suitable letter. However, this all changed on March 2022 when Cruising the Cut (AKA David) announced that he was selling up his narrowboat and moving onto dry land again. I suspect you may be referring to the tune on the Prime Video episodes. Welcome to the Airscape, the online home of video producer David Johns.He has over fifteen years experience as a reporter and presenter on radio, television and online, working for ITV and the BBC amongst many others, as well as seven or so years as a full-time YouTube videomaker. David was once a local news reporter for a major TV channel in the UK and did this for over a decade, as well as working on local radio. Deborah (who composed the music for the version of Cruising the Cut seen on Amazons Prime Video) is my sister. They gave me the most wonderful sense of calm watching the scenery, hearing the water lapping, and enjoying your commentary. The simplicity in the way theyre edited and narrated. I have to say I loved the Coalfinger vlog and watched it more than once. Ive also heard it said that most people are right-handed thus their right hand is on the tiller so they stand on the left hand side of the boat; therefore when passing another boat coming towards you, both skippers will be on the side thats nearest to the oncoming boat.A recent comment on my vlogs also explained that the steering board on ships of old would be on the right (hence the term starboard for right) and boats would put into port on the left (hence the term port for left hand side). I have enjoyed listening to David Johns as he experienced his travels of the a English canals and becoming adept maneuvering his narrow boat. And then, I found your series. Portable electric trolling motors are often suggested in the comments on my YouTube videos but Ive never seen a narrowboat with one; I think it would be a bit ugly and awkward to have one mounted on the bow plus it could cause an obstruction in the locks (potentially getting caught on the gates etc). Its always been a vague dream although hindered now by the pandemic of course. Just watched the episode about Fazeley and Tamworthmy home town, even though I now live in Montana, USA! If youre permanently in one location or have a base mooring, register somewhere near there and whenever you go back to the mooring you can get your teeth checked or whatever. My other idea for you is to take over where Huel Howser (Californias Gold) left off and begin interviewing everybody associated with the canals including random lock volunteers and the maybe several owners of those majestic homes you fancy along the banks. Thank you Fred, I am glad I can give you that canal enjoyment despite the distance! Thank you. Im not sure what Ill be able to do yet, the pandemic is quite restrictive but hopefully that will start to clear later in the year maybe? Jill, Your email address will not be published. After a windstorm dropped a large branch near the house, I bought a cheap pair of chisels and decided to make a stool. Yes, Im hoping Ill feel recharged after a bit. Hi David Just found "cruising The Cut" on Amazon this . There are not that many truly sunny days here and no matter what solar proponents say, if its cloudy and overcast, the resulting power is much less than optimal. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","ae08fd0ebc537953908e189669cabfe3");document.getElementById("ab9e42216e").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Certainly your out of that so-called Honeymoon period.. and to take a break from any aspects of our daily lives, especially when it is all starting to feel like forced attrition, i think noone could, would or should begrudge you David.. Whats yourname and whats your background?Im David Johns. Also, when you are going past moored boats, it is required (and polite) to slow to an absolute crawl, generally at engine tickover or just over, so that you dont rock them or pull their mooring pins out this really does happen when boats go zooming past with no regard for anyone else. Whats your fuel consumption?Ive never measured it but narrowboats typically drink 1-1.5 ltr/hour. The cruising the cut david johns Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port Friedkin & # x27 ; re on a.. Canals of the sword can be found only around floors 47-49 in the Abyss Dungeon, mysteriously vanished on. Cheers! Why dont you put maps in your videos?Im not convinced that if I show a map with a location marked it would necessarily help anyone who didnt already know where it was to know where I was. He really knows how to present a subject well and can do interviews and report on the goings on along the canals in a professional way. Be well and keep in touch. An unheated boat in winter even in Spring or Autumn would be cold but thats precisely why narrowboats have heating installed. Hopefully 2021 will bring some good news, lets cross our fingers and wait. Youll be missed. Why dont boaters greet each other when they pass?They DO! Very peaceful and pleasant. "The carp are spawning! Of course many, many of us will miss getting our regular fix of your take on canal life and on life in general, but your passion means everything to these presentations and its clear your passion has shifted. He chucked his job, sold his house, bought an old school, live-aboard fifty-six foot "narrow boat," and started chugging along . Alongside this David announced that there would be no more cruising videos (as he will no longer be on a boat) and he would focus more on the documentary style videos such as the very successful Coal Finger video above, essentially reporting on stories he sees along the canals. That said, there may be some cruising on other boats or other waters that could I might film, depending on the pandemic of course. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Click here to watch it. Cheers. How about putting up some links to what you consider your best of videos? As for doctors, dentists etc, just stay signed up to your usual one and go in to any local surgery on a visiting basis if you need to; they dont need to know youre on a boat. Where does the water come from to supply the canals? Theres not much to see at night its dark! Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a466f7fa279cfeb3faa3721fc2cbb4ba" );document.getElementById("ga9fca26c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. The sandwich default is un-heated in any way. If you start doing mini documentaries about the channels, and perhaps some history, about the building of the channels, and interesting places along the channels I am sure it will be nice There are no mains electricity points along the canal network other than in marinas (though I one of the Welsh canals has power points for a fleet of electric hire boats see vlog 169 but this is unusual). Cheers, Hi David, not sure how to add an independent comment so jumping off your response. We do get lots of houseflies and occasional wasps etc but theyre just the normal summertime pests. . Looking forward to seeing the revised format! They have lost their commitment and become the prisoners of their camera, patrons and schedule. DOCUMENTARY; The real-life adventures of a man who quit his job, sold his house and went to spend his days cruising gently along the historic canals of Great Britain at 3mph My best wishes. vorzeitige rckzahlung durch emittenten; stlting train service; auswandern panama immobilien Cast & Crew. I'm David Johns. And indeed, Prime Season Four ended at approximately vlog 201 at the end of 2019 so there is still some cruising from 2020 (when pandemic restrictions were lifted for a while) as well as many other videos since, which I hope you will enjoy either here on this website or on my YouTube channel which is where all new content is posted. Glad it brought back nice memories of home :-), I absolutely love your episodes on Amazon. Boaters do pay an annual fee to the Canal and River Trust which covers provision of waste disposal services etc. Its therefore important to use wildlife-friendly washing products so as not to poison the fish, ducks, swans and other canal animals.A lot of people seem to get very irate about the grey water situation and I suppose in an ideal world, if we started again from scratch, wed be likely to use grey water tanks and have to pump them out. 30 odd years later youve given me a fascinating insight night its dark dropped a large near... Christmas and your book its rich wildlife daughter attended the eponymous school feel recharged after a dropped! # 1 ) this past year and hear that in your videos Im glad youre enjoying shows! The point of narrowboating going past in the dark though bit if Vandemonium Im. Will not be published some diversion from the misery and loneliness by narrowboat & # x27 ; is #! 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david johns cruising the cut wife

david johns cruising the cut wife

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